About Us
What is The Women’s Fund?
The Women’s Fund is a donor-advised fund of the Topeka Community Foundation designed to create a new pool of resources from women interested in becoming philanthropists through the power of collective giving. Its mission is “To promote women’s leadership in philanthropy, increase charitable contributions and strengthen their value through collective giving, and encourage a new generation of philanthropists.”
Who can be a part of The Women’s Fund?
Anyone can become a member of The Women’s Fund by making a contribution. The fund is governed by a board of directors and all members of The Women’s Fund have an opportunity to be involved in committee work as they wish. Every member has direct participation through an opportunity to vote on all proposed grants.
What does The Women’s Fund Support?
The Women’s Fund seeks projects and programs which benefit our community. Annually, grant recommendations are based on research, community collaboration and a thorough grant application process. The final grant-making decisions reflect the diverse interests of The Women’s Fund.
Who decides what The Women’s Fund supports?
Every member helps decide – through voting on the proposed grants. Additionally, members are given opportunities to make site visits, attend panel discussions, participate in grant applicant interviews and become involved in other educational opportunities prior to allocation decisions.
What percentage of the money contributed to The Women’s Fund will be used for grants?
For every dollar donated, 50 cents is granted in the current year and 50 cents goes into an endowment fund – which is invested by the Foundation. This ensures The Women’s Fund impacts our community in perpetuity.
How will we know if the grant dollars are used for the stated reasons?
Accountability and evaluation are the cornerstone of grant-making at the Topeka Community Foundation. Procedures are in place to ensure appropriate spending of grant dollars.
How can I get more information about The Women’s Fund?
Contact the Topeka Community Foundation at 785.272.4804.